Thursday, April 29, 2010

Yard sale time again

It is Yard sale time on the suburbs. Driving along Upper Gulph road this morning taking, Maya, our dog to the dog park I noticed the blooming of yard sale signs. It must be spring and time to clean out.
I myself have a place in the basement we call the yard sale area. If one of us, no longer wants something or we rearrange a room – it goes to dad to place in the area. So many childhood things with memories attached are stored away like treasure in the basement.
Last time my daughters cleaned all the plush animals from their shelves- the ones they had to have form the gift shop or had cherished as a victory at the local fair off into the 50 cent pile.
And the books - books with so much lap time built into them just thrown into a pile. It is fun to watch during the sale when they are picked up and purchased by a little person catching the yard sale virus.
My daughters have been infected with this virus through me. I like to hunt for things and like to engage in the yard sale banter. Others in my family would rather go to the dentist. Maybe I will see you at one and we will both want the same old golf club.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Study on High Blood Pressure and Disease Management

I have to say I am extreamly proud of my wife Elizabeth. She worked long and hard on a project she did while at Aetna some time ago, maybe two plus years. The study is getting published now and is an accomplishment for positive health care which does not get enough recognition.

In this study (my view of it anyway) the health care company uses it client base to study the positive health effects of actively managing a population of individuals recognized by he company as having a serious but manageable health condition. The Health care company takes positive steps and actions to keep the clients aware of their situation and amazingly they get better health outcomes from the population at lower costs to the company. IMHO this should be front page news. Here is a link to the study. I am very proud of my wife Elizabeth!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Weekend Blues

Getting ready for a weekend in the spring has more overhead than I ever imagined. There are so many tasks to be completed around the house it is hard to get a grip on where to start. Outside the beds and the lawn scream for attention like 5 yr olds “ fix me -cut me- clean me- weed me”. The garden is waiting for the same thing. It is like an angry twin “Weed me - feed me-turn me over fill me with plants”.

Inside ---- We need to get rooms ready for the transition from little kids living in the house to middle and high school aged children. The piano – bought with such high hopes that someone would take a liking to it – nada – It sits there like a large immovable table holding up memories of the times we had away from home.
The carpets filled with the memory stains of crayons and Jell-O and pudding and pets Chutes and Ladders is giving way to a rower and a stair master (which needs repair too)

Internet access all anyone wants – all the plaster and lath block the wireless signal and a work is waiting there for upgrading the network, making the printers available wirelessly

The basement – the attic- the clothes closets – the kids rooms – the kitchen the oven has stopped working - and I would like to relax a bit too. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Back to the dog Park and ritual

We were on vacation and the dog needed to stay somewhere. We had used this kennel before with no issue. This time Maya came back with kennel cough and we know more about it now. Our routine was changed and we were walking Maya for a good 30 to 50 minutes around town to give her time. Not the same for her as going to the dog parlk with her pack or for us with our pack. I am looking forward to getting to the park this morning.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Out of the habbit

I must say that this blogging thing is something you must keep up with, like taking your vitamins in the morning. When you have your health and you forget to take the vitamins it is difficult to rejuvenate the habit of taking them. Same happened here with the Blog. At first I was on it and having a great time including events and happenings. Then I thought no one was reading any of what I was putting out here and there are so many other sources for what is happening. What I failed to realize was it is my view which is different. I was reading a book about happiness recommended by a friend - Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert. My take away was in situations where you are unsure ask for an opinion of someone who has been in the situation you are about to enter before you make your choice and then follow the advice. I thought okay well this Blog afford me the ability to give an opinion from time to time on situation in the neighborhood and around the area. I will be getting back on the horse and will try to make this blog a bit more exciting at the same time.