This is excerpted from the Ecofriend Web site:
1. English Ivy
Botanical Name- Hedera helixEnglish Ivy is an evergreen plant and has a long life span. It is a trailer and can be grown on the sides of wall and fences. The plant needs indirect sunlight and average to cold temperature for its growth. It prefers cool soil, sufficient moisture and good drainage. Use balanced fertilizers for the soil and guard the plant against mites. The plant proves to be dangerous and can cause skin irritation. So, it is advisable to wear gloves while handling the plant. Also, make sure that the plant is kept away from pets. The plant can be propagated by stem cutting.
English Ivy removes some common pollutants, like benzene, toluene and formaldehyde.
2. Spider Plant
Botanical Name- Chlorophytum chlorosumIt is a preferred and suitable house plant. The plant produces long stems as it grows. The leaves along with the flowers give the impression of spiders hanging from the strings. The plant is easy to grow and can tolerate extreme conditions of temperature and moisture. But, sufficient bright light is the prime requirement for the plant. The plantlets can be easily propagated and look beautiful when grown in hanging baskets along with other plants. Do not expose the plant to cold draft.
Pollutants removed by Spider plant - Formaldehyde
3. Peace Lily
Botanical Name- Spathiphyllum ‘Mauna Loa’This is a popular house plant and can grow in little sunlight. Watering can be done just once in a week. Over-watering can cause browning of leaf tips. Peace Lily can be easily propagated and it blooms in early summer. The plant should be fed monthly with liquid fertilizers in summers and spring season. One plant should be grown in an area of 10 meters square and fertilization should be done only in summer and spring season.
Pollutants removed by the plant - Benzene, formaldehyde and others.
4. Chinese Evergreen
Botanical Name- Aglaonema sp.This is an ornamental and a long-lasting plant. The plant is easy to grow and requires indirect sunlight and high humidity. Keep the plant in warm condition and in heavy and moist soil. The plant should be guarded against low temperatures as it cannot tolerate cold. If the leaves start turning yellow, it might mean that too much sunlight is falling on it. Immediately remove the yellow leaves and transfer the plant to low light area. Aglaonema can be easily propagated. Make sure that you clean off the leaves regularly.
It is a useful plant and removes benzene, toluene and ammonia from the air.
5. Reed Palm
Botanical Name- Chamaedorea sefritzii
Another name of this plant is Bamboo Palm. It is a long-lasting, small or medium sized plant and can grow to a height of six meters. The plant can flourish best in medium light and high humidity. The palm should be planted in a pot which has a hole so that the soil is uniformly moist and continuous drainage takes place. Rain water is best for watering this plant. Palms are easily infected by mites and bugs indoor. The plant should be fertilized regularly during its growing season.
Reed plant purifies the indoor air against trichloroethane, benzene and toluene.
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