Thursday, November 18, 2010

Study finds - Houses in Radnor worth more because of the Radnor Trail

Today a friend attended ( I had to work) a press conference on the unveiling of an intriguing new study which quantifies the economic value of open space in our region. The study was commissioned by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission and Green Space Alliance, paid for by the Lenfest Foundation and DCNR, and conducted by the Pennsylvania Economy League. This report can be an incredibly useful tool for us in Radnor as we continue to consider our open space program.

There will be press about the study in tomorrow’s Inquirer and in this week’s Suburban. One of the five case studies in the study is Radnor (see page 18 of the report), and the PEL concludes that the trail has added an average of $69,000 in value to Radnor homes within a quarter mile of the trail.
The study is available for download (72 pages) by clicking here:
For a brief summary report about the study, click here: I encourage you all to take a moment and check it out – I, myself, have been looking for a report like this for years.

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